Bhuna Gosht
Bhuna Gosht
5 from 31 votes
Step into the delicious world of Indian cuisine with Bhuna Gosht, a lamb curry that captures the authentic flavours of Indian spices. This recipe brings a delightful dining experience right to your kitchen, offering a memorable culinary journey brimming with rich and aromatic spices.
Bhuna Gosht

Bhuna Gosht, a term that rolls off the tongue, is one of the classics of Indian cuisine that doesn’t shy away from flavour. It’s more than just a dish; it’s a culinary journey through the diverse landscape of India. 

The origins of Bhuna Gosht trace back to the northern regions of India and Pakistan, where the style of ‘Bhuna’ cooking is widely appreciated.  

The term ‘Bhuna’ refers to the process of sautéing spices and meat to the point where they form a kind of paste that clings to the meat, giving it an intense flavour profile. The ‘Gosht’ part of the name simply means meat – usually mutton or lamb. 

Despite its rich history, don’t be deceived into thinking that this recipe is one for the veteran cooks only.  

Indeed, the complexity of flavours might seem daunting at first, but Bhuna Gosht is a remarkably simple dish to prepare. With just a bit of patience and a love for food, this gastronomic delight can grace your dinner table with ease. 

The charm of Bhuna Gosht lies in the harmonious melding of a wide array of spices and the use of slow-cooking methods. Each ingredient is introduced with careful timing, creating layers of flavours that enhance the meat’s natural taste, rather than masking it. 

With a base of lamb, the dish is transformed through an artful combination of aromatic ingredients and slow cooking. The heat teases out the flavours of cumin, turmeric, and Kashmiri chilli, while ginger and garlic paste lends a comforting warmth to the dish.  

The distinct flavour of cloves and peppercorns adds depth, creating an exciting journey of taste in every mouthful. 

Yoghurt plays a key role, its tanginess cutting through the heat of the dish and lending a creamy texture. The result? A curry that’s both fiery and soothing at the same time. 

As a final touch, fresh coriander leaves are sprinkled on top, their sharp freshness providing a bright contrast to the robustly spiced meat. It’s not merely an afterthought, but an integral part of the Bhuna Gosht experience. 

And the best part? This taste of Indian cuisine can be recreated in your kitchen. Don’t let the list of ingredients daunt you! Once you have everything on hand, it’s all about letting the flavours mingle and do their magic.  

Whether it’s a family dinner or a festive feast, Bhuna Gosht promises to bring a touch of the exotic to any meal. 

Remember, good food isn’t just about following a recipe to the T. It’s also about the joy of cooking, the anticipation of tasting, and the satisfaction of sharing.  

So don your apron, arm yourself with a pan, and embark on this culinary adventure. Enjoy the process, and relish the result – a bowl of Bhuna Gosht that’s made with love and savoured with delight. 

What Ingredients to Use & Why 

Diving into the world of Bhuna Gosht, one quickly realizes that each ingredient isn’t just a part of the dish; it forms the backbone of this exotic cuisine.  

From aromatic spices to tender lamb, the ingredients that go into the making of Bhuna Gosht are carefully selected to deliver a delightful symphony of flavours. 

Lamb: At the heart of Bhuna Gosht is the lamb. With its robust flavour and succulent texture, lamb pairs wonderfully with strong spices. You could, however, substitute it with beef or chicken for a different take on this classic dish. 

Oil: The role of oil is two-fold – it’s the medium in which we sauté our spices and it also lends a luxurious mouthfeel to the dish. If you’d like to experiment with flavours, you can try using ghee or clarified butter instead, which gives a rich, nutty undertone. 

Onions: Onions serve as the base of the dish, providing a sweet and tangy contrast to the spices. They are cooked until softened and lightly browned to intensify their flavours. Shallots can be used as an alternative if you prefer a more delicate taste. 

Ginger Paste & Garlic Paste: These two ingredients bring a warm, zesty punch to the Bhuna Gosht. They also aid in tenderizing the lamb and balancing the dish’s spicy heat. If you’re out of paste, freshly minced ginger and garlic can work as a handy substitute. 

Spices: The backbone of Bhuna Gosht lies in its spices. Each spice plays its part in layering flavours and enhancing the meat’s taste. While it’s essential to have these spices, you can play around with their quantities to suit your palate.  

If Kashmiri chilli isn’t available, paprika can be a good alternative for a similar colour and less heat. 

Yoghurt: Adding a tangy creaminess to the dish, yoghurt helps balance out the heat and richness of Bhuna Gosht. Coconut milk can serve as a delicious alternative for those looking for a dairy-free version. 

Bullet Chillies: These add a kick to the dish and also lend a vibrant colour. If you want less heat, opt for bell peppers or simply deseed the chillies. 

Coriander: Used for garnishing, coriander adds a burst of freshness and colour to the dish. Parsley can be an alternative, although it has a slightly different flavour profile. 

It’s important to remember that the beauty of cooking lies in the flexibility it allows. The ingredients mentioned are what make Bhuna Gosht the dish it is, but don’t let that limit your culinary creativity. Substitute ingredients, play around with proportions, and tweak it to make it your own. 

In the end, Bhuna Gosht isn’t just about the ingredients you use. It’s about the time and love you put into preparing it. So, as you embark on this culinary journey, remember to have fun and savour every moment – from the sizzling of spices to the final sprinkle of coriander.  

After all, it’s not just about the destination (or the dish), but the journey there that counts. 

Exploring the Origin of Bhuna Gosht 

I find that the beauty of a dish isn’t just in its taste, but also in the stories it carries within its folds. Bhuna Gosht, an Indian delight, is one such recipe that brings with it a rich tapestry of history and culture. 

As I delve into the origins of this dish, I find myself in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent, where the tradition of ‘Bhuna’ cooking is celebrated. Bhuna, a Hindi word, translates to ‘roasting’.  

In culinary terms, it refers to a specific cooking process where spices and meat are sautéed on high heat until a semi-dry paste forms. This paste clings to the meat, imparting an intense flavour to it. 

This technique was likely developed out of necessity. Before the invention of refrigeration, this method of cooking, which involved slow-roasting spices and meat on a low flame, acted as a preservation technique. The resulting dishes had a longer shelf-life, which was vital for the arid, hot climate of the region. 

‘Bhuna Gosht’, therefore, simply means ‘roasted meat’. The meat typically used is mutton or lamb, but variations with chicken or beef are also popular depending on regional preferences. This dish showcases the art of patiently cooking a meal to bring out the best flavours. 

The journey of Bhuna Gosht doesn’t stop here, though. With the dispersion of the Indian diaspora, it has found its place in kitchens worldwide. Every rendition adds a unique twist to it, making Bhuna Gosht a truly global dish. 

So, whether you are in the heart of Delhi or a small town in Canada, a plate of Bhuna Gosht can transport you back to the bustling food streets of northern India, filled with the smell of roasting meat and spices. 

Isn’t it fascinating how a dish can tell tales of a time and place far away from where it’s being enjoyed? That’s the beauty of food. It not only nourishes us but also connects us to the world. 

Substituting Lamb in Bhuna Gosht 

Being a home cook comes with its unique challenges. One day, you’re trying to cater to picky eaters, and the next, you’re substituting ingredients you can’t find in the local grocery store. That’s why it’s essential to know how to play around with recipes to suit your needs. 

Lamb is a traditional ingredient in Bhuna Gosht, owing to its robust flavour and the way it holds up against the strong Indian spices. However, there might be times when lamb isn’t readily available, or you might have dietary restrictions or preferences that require a substitute. 

Fear not, because there are other meats you can use in Bhuna Gosht that work just as beautifully. Here’s where the beauty of being flexible in the kitchen shines. 

Beef is a great substitute for lamb, having a similar texture and a rich flavour that pairs well with the spices in Bhuna Gosht. Slow-cooking the beef, just like the lamb, allows it to absorb all the flavours and become tender. 

Chicken is another option. Its milder flavour provides a wonderful canvas for the spices to shine. Make sure to adjust your cooking times if you’re using chicken, as it cooks quicker than lamb or beef. 

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, don’t despair! You can still enjoy Bhuna Gosht by using meaty vegetables or plant-based meat substitutes. Mushrooms, jackfruit, or tofu could work as excellent stand-ins for lamb, each adding their unique textures and flavours to the dish. 

Remember, it’s your kitchen and your rules! You can tailor recipes to suit your palate and dietary needs. This adaptability is what makes cooking such a rewarding experience.  

So, go ahead and try making Bhuna Gosht with a meat substitute of your choice. Who knows? You might discover a new favourite variation of this classic dish. 

Unearthing Alternative Spices for Bhuna Gosht 

I know that a recipe is not set in stone. Recipes evolve, and so does Bhuna Gosht. A major part of its evolution lies in the spices that paint its flavourful canvas. 

If you think about it, every ingredient in this dish has a purpose, especially the spices. They bring warmth, depth, and complexity to the dish. But what happens when you don’t have the exact spices at hand? Can we think of alternatives? 

Well, the good news is, yes, we can. While the traditional spice blend gives Bhuna Gosht its characteristic flavour, we can explore other spices that may lend a different yet enjoyable twist to the dish. 

Let’s start with Kashmiri chilli, known for its vibrant red colour and mild heat. If it’s not available, you can substitute it with a combination of paprika (for colour) and cayenne (for heat). You get to control the spiciness of your dish this way! 

Cumin seeds, with their unique smoky and earthy flavour, are integral to Bhuna Gosht. In its absence, caraway seeds or ground coriander can be used. Both these substitutes have a warm and slightly citrusy flavour that will complement the dish well. 

Cloves impart a sweet and pungent flavour to Bhuna Gosht. But if you run out of cloves, allspice is a good alternative. It won’t give the exact same flavour, but it will lend a lovely depth to the dish. 

Remember, though, while these alternatives can help you out in a pinch, they might change the flavour profile of your Bhuna Gosht slightly. But who knows, you might stumble upon a variation you love! 

Dissecting the Spiciness of Bhuna Gosht 

If you’ve ever wondered, “How spicy is Bhuna Gosht?”, let me tell you, the spiciness of Bhuna Gosht can be a heated topic (pun intended!). The level of heat in this dish largely depends on the use of chilli powder and bullet chillies.  

But remember, you’re the boss of your kitchen! You get to decide how much of a kick you want in your meal. 

Traditional Bhuna Gosht is meant to be spicy. Kashmiri chilli powder and bullet chillies together pack quite a punch. But they do more than just add heat. They lend a beautiful, vibrant colour and a depth of flavour to the dish that is quite incomparable. 

Now, if you’re someone who loves the thrill of fiery flavours, you can use more chillies or opt for a hotter variety of chilli powder. You’ll end up with a dish that truly brings the heat! 

However, if you’re someone who prefers milder flavours, you can tone down the spiciness without compromising on the taste. Opt for a mild chilli powder or use less of it.  

You can also deseed the bullet chillies or use a milder variety of green chillies. Another way to balance the heat is by increasing the quantity of yoghurt. The creaminess of the yoghurt helps mellow down the spiciness, creating a well-rounded flavour. 

In the end, Bhuna Gosht is about enjoying a medley of flavours, where the heat is just one aspect. So don’t worry about sticking to the rules. Adjust the spice levels to suit your taste buds and savour the dish in your unique way! 

Exploring the Health Benefits of Bhuna Gosht 

While Bhuna Gosht, with its mix of aromatic spices and tender meat, is a joy to the taste buds, it’s interesting to understand its nutritional aspect. Yes, your favourite Bhuna Gosht can actually pack a health punch! 

Lamb, the main ingredient, is a great source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle growth and maintenance.  

It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, zinc, and iron, which contribute to our body’s various functions, including the production of red blood cells and maintaining brain health. 

The spices used in Bhuna Gosht are more than just flavour enhancers. Each one of them offers unique health benefits.  

For instance, ginger and garlic are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help in boosting immunity. Turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, is also renowned for its anti-inflammatory effects and potential to prevent heart disease. 

Cloves and peppercorns have been used in traditional medicine for ages. They are known to have antioxidant, antiseptic, and local anaesthetic properties. In addition, they help in digestion and have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Yoghurt, added towards the end of the cooking process, brings in a touch of creaminess to the dish and also contributes its share of health benefits. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics that are beneficial for gut health. 

It’s crucial to remember that while Bhuna Gosht offers these health benefits, moderation is key, given the oil content and the richness of the dish. You should also consider the nutritional needs of your own body. However, knowing the health benefits of Bhuna Gosht definitely lets us enjoy this delicious dish with a little less guilt! 

Decoding the Flavour Profile of Bhuna Gosht 

When you take the first bite of Bhuna Gosht, you’ll experience an explosion of flavours that might leave you wondering, “What exactly makes this dish so uniquely delicious?” Well, let me unravel this flavourful mystery for you. 

Bhuna Gosht is a symphony of flavours. The word ‘bhuna’ means ‘to brown’ – and that’s exactly where this dish gets its deep, intense flavours from. The process of ‘bhuna’ involves frying the spices and meat in oil until they are beautifully caramelized. This caramelization lends a richness of flavour that is the very essence of this dish. 

The spices play a leading role in creating this flavour profile. The combination of cloves, peppercorns, and cumin seeds lends warmth and depth to the dish. Ginger and garlic paste brings a sharp tanginess that contrasts yet complements the warmth of the spices. 

The earthiness of turmeric, the mild heat of Kashmiri chilli, and the punchy spice of black pepper contribute to the layers of flavours. Garam masala, added towards the end, imparts a final punch of heat and spice, making the flavour profile even more complex. 

Finally, the addition of yoghurt and coriander leaves balances out the robust flavours with their cooling effect. The yoghurt adds a creamy tanginess, while the coriander leaves bring a refreshing note to the dish. 

This intricate balance of flavours is what makes Bhuna Gosht a culinary delight. It’s not just a dish, but a flavour experience that takes you on a roller-coaster ride with every bite! 

Selecting the Right Yogurt for Bhuna Gosht 

Choosing the right type of yoghurt for your Bhuna Gosht might seem like a trivial decision, but let me tell you, it can make a world of difference to your dish!  

Yoghurt plays an essential role in Bhuna Gosht, adding a layer of creamy tanginess that perfectly balances the robust flavours of the spices. But with so many types of yoghurt available, which one should you choose? 

My personal preference for Bhuna Gosht is full-fat, plain yoghurt. The richness of full-fat yoghurt lends a delectable creaminess to the dish, enhancing the overall mouthfeel. Plus, the fats in the yoghurt also help to mellow down the heat of the spices, creating a more balanced flavour profile. 

The key is to use unsweetened, plain yoghurt. Sweetened or flavoured yoghurts can alter the taste of your Bhuna Gosht and leave you with a dish that tastes off-balance. As with all cooking, it’s crucial to control where your flavours are coming from, and using plain yoghurt lets you do just that. 

But what if you’re aiming for a healthier version of the dish? In that case, you can opt for low-fat or non-fat yogurt. While they won’t provide the same creaminess as full-fat yoghurt, they will still lend that tangy touch that complements the spices. 

If you’re a vegan or lactose intolerant, you don’t have to miss out on the creamy goodness of Bhuna Gosht. Dairy-free alternatives like coconut yoghurt or almond milk yoghurt can be used. They will not only make your dish lactose-free or vegan but also add a unique twist to the flavour. 

Remember to add the yoghurt towards the end of the cooking process and stir it in slowly to avoid curdling. With these tips in mind, you’re all set to select the perfect yoghurt for your Bhuna Gosht and enhance your culinary masterpiece! 

Coriander: The Unsung Hero of Bhuna Gosht 

Coriander in Bhuna Gosht is like the supporting actor who subtly elevates the performance of the lead, not by stealing the limelight but by enhancing it. It plays a relatively understated, yet crucial, role in our beloved Bhuna Gosht.  

You might wonder why such a fuss about coriander? Well, let’s explore its significance in this classic dish. 

Fresh coriander, also known as cilantro, is typically used as a garnish in Bhuna Gosht. But it does more than just make the dish look pretty.  

It adds a refreshing note to the dish, cutting through the richness of the meat and spices. This subtle contrast helps highlight the robust flavours of the dish even more. 

Coriander leaves have a unique flavour profile – they are citrusy, slightly peppery, and bright. This taste profile works wonderfully with the warm and spicy flavours of Bhuna Gosht, providing a nice balance and preventing the spices from overpowering the dish. 

Coriander’s role isn’t just about flavour, though. From a nutritional perspective, coriander is rich in antioxidants, which promote overall health. It’s a nice little bonus to your delicious meal! 

In case you run out of coriander, or if it’s not to your taste, you can consider alternatives like fresh parsley or mint. They bring their own unique flavours, adding a different, yet enjoyable, finishing touch to your Bhuna Gosht. 

Don’t overlook the humble coriander when making your Bhuna Gosht. Even though it’s a minor part of the recipe, it does play a major role in crafting the perfect flavour harmony that is Bhuna Gosht! 

Achieving the Right Consistency in Bhuna Gosht 

Getting the perfect consistency in Bhuna Gosht can seem like a culinary tightrope walk. You’re aiming for a thick, luscious gravy that clings to the tender chunks of meat without it being overly dry or runny. Sounds daunting, right? But worry not, I’m here to guide you to the right consistency. 

The hallmark of Bhuna Gosht is the thick, reduced gravy that results from slow-cooking the meat with spices. This slow cooking process allows the meat to release its juices, which then gets cooked down to form a rich, intensely flavourful sauce. So patience, my friends, is key.  

This isn’t a dish that’s hurried, but one that revels in a slow, languorous cooking process. 

A crucial step in achieving this consistency is ‘bhunao,’ a technique where you cook the dish uncovered on medium heat, stirring regularly until the oil separates from the gravy. This is a signal that the ingredients have been well cooked and their flavours well extracted. 

If you find your gravy to be too runny, continue to cook it uncovered, and let the excess liquid evaporate.  

On the other hand, if your gravy is turning out too dry, add small quantities of water, and let it simmer till you get the desired consistency. Remember, the dish is meant to be fairly dry, so don’t add too much water. 

A thick, well-cooked gravy not only tastes amazing, but it’s also a feast for the eyes. The reduced sauce beautifully coats the meat, making for a rich, appetizing dish. So, remember these tips the next time you cook Bhuna Gosht, and enjoy the ultimate feast of flavours! 

Perfect Pairings for Bhuna Gosht 

Now that you’ve mastered the art of making Bhuna Gosht, let’s talk about what to serve with it to create a full, satisfying meal. While Bhuna Gosht is incredibly flavourful on its own, the right accompaniment can elevate the dish, balancing its rich, intense flavours. 

A staple in most Indian meals, rice makes for a wonderful companion to Bhuna Gosht. Whether it’s plain, steamed rice or aromatic pulao, the subtle flavours provide a perfect counterbalance to the robust flavours of the Bhuna Gosht. 

Nothing pairs with Bhuna Gosht quite like Indian breads. Be it soft and fluffy naan, chewy roti, or crispy paratha, these breads are perfect for scooping up the meat and gravy, making every bite a delightful experience. 

For a more complete and balanced meal, consider serving Bhuna Gosht with a side of raita. This yoghurt-based dish, often mixed with vegetables like cucumber or boondi, provides a cool, refreshing contrast to the spicy Bhuna Gosht. 

Finally, don’t forget to include a serving of salad. A simple Kachumber salad, made with onions, tomatoes, cucumber, and lemon juice, is not only healthy but also helps in cutting through the richness of the Bhuna Gosht. 

But ultimately, the best accompaniment to Bhuna Gosht is one that suits your palate. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations to discover your personal favourite. After all, the joy of cooking lies in exploration and creativity. 

Check Out These Other Recipes: 

Share my love for these spiced, curry-infused delights. So, if you loved this Bhuna Gosht recipe, there are other dishes you mustn’t miss. 

Imagine sitting down to a warm plate of Aloo Gosht. The lamb is cooked to perfection, tender and juicy, while the potatoes, absorbing all the rich flavours of the spices, melt in your mouth. There’s something comforting about this recipe, it makes you feel at home, no matter where you are. 

Then there’s the Chicken Karahi, where succulent pieces of chicken dance in a tantalizing blend of spices. The best part? The thick gravy that’s bursting with a symphony of flavours. It’s an exquisite treat that will make your taste buds sing. 

If you’re a fan of legumes, you’ll adore the Chana Curry. Picture this: velvety chickpeas bathed in a tangy and fiery sauce, begging to be scooped up with a fluffy naan. The best part? It’s as wholesome as it’s delicious. 

Or perhaps you’re more into biryanis? In that case, you’ll fall head over heels for the Mutton Biryani. The fragrant basmati rice, the tender mutton pieces, the aromatic spices… it’s like a festival of flavours in your mouth. 

I know you’ll enjoy making and savouring these recipes as much as I do. After all, the joy of cooking is in exploring and experimenting. Don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments section, 

Bhuna Gosht

Bhuna Gosht

by Nabeela Kauser
Step into the delicious world of Indian cuisine with Bhuna Gosht, a lamb curry that captures the authentic flavours of Indian spices. This recipe brings a delightful dining experience right to your kitchen.
5 from 31 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Course Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine Indian
Servings 6
Calories 656 kcal


  • 1 kg Lamb
  • 100 ml Oil
  • 2 Onions
  • 1 tsp Ginger Paste
  • 1 tsp Garlic Paste
  • 7-8 Cloves
  • 1 tsp Peppercorn
  • 1 tsp Cumin Seeds Jeera
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric Powder Haldi
  • 1 tsp Kashmiri Chilli
  • 1 tsp Black Pepper
  • 100 g Yoghurt
  • 1 tsp Garam Masala
  • 2 Bullet Chillies
  • 500 ml Water
  • Coriander


  • In a pan add the oil and heat up on medium heat until hot
  • Add the cloves, whole black peppercorns, cumin seeds and sauté on high heat for 1-2 minutes until fragrant
  • Add the finely diced onions then cook for 4-5 minutes on medium heat until softened and lightly browned
  • Add the lamb and cook for 15 minutes on medium heat until the lamb has slightly browned and released some water
  • Add the ginger paste, garlic paste then cook for a further 2-3 minutes
  • Add the salt, Kashmiri chilli powder, black pepper, turmeric powder then cook the spices for 4-5 minutes ensuring that you stir every now and then so the spices do not stick to the pan or burn
  • Add the water and mix into the lamb masala – push the lamb below the water to ensure the lamb cooks through
  • Cover with a lid and cook on medium heat for 45 minutes – do not keep checking or lifting the lid as this will release the heat and steam that has built up which will increase the cooking time
  • Add the yoghurt and cook for a further 4-5 minutes
  • Add the garam masala, finely chopped chillies and cook for 1-2 minutes – if you would like to reduce the heat you can remove the seeds from the green chillies
  • Garnish with the finely chopped coriander then serve immediately with a side of fresh naan and enjoy!



Nutritional facts:
The provision of nutritional information is done so merely as a courtesy and should not be taken as a guarantee.


Calories: 656kcalCarbohydrates: 8gProtein: 29gFat: 56gSaturated Fat: 19gTrans Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 124mgSodium: 511mgPotassium: 573mgFibre: 2gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 320IUVitamin C: 35mgVitamin D: 0.2µgCalcium: 81mgIron: 3mg
Keyword Cooking, Curry, Food, Gosht, Lamb, Meat, Mutton, Recipe, Spicy
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Nabeela Kauser

5 stars
Thank you so much for trying out my bhuna gosht recipe! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it and found it easy to make. Your kind feedback has made my day, and I hope you continue to explore new dishes and flavours in your cooking adventures. Happy cooking! 😊

Cook with Nabeela

Hi, I'm Nabeela!

I love to cook! I want to share with you my favourite, delicious family-friendly recipes. I want to inspire you to create fantastic food for your family every day.

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